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(as of 2013-12-04 04:53:17 PST)

Matchbox Big Boots Yeti Catcher Truck Vehicle by Mattel

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Recommended Age
4 – 12 years

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  • It's a big adventure with the Big Boots Yeti Catcher Truck Vehicle
  • Send out the Yeti Catcher to stop the vicious beast's rampage
  • Once the Yeti has been tracked, transform the truck into a huge attack platform that can launch Big Boots figures in more than 1 ways
  • Big Boots always land on their feet so they're always ready to spring into action
  • Includes 2 Big Boots figures, Yeti figure and Yeti Catcher Truck Vehicle


Your Heroic Mission: Capture a Rampaging Yeti

The Big Boots Arctic team is on high alert. There’s a vicious Yeti on the loose, and he’s ready to rampage. This massive monster has fierce claws and a ferocious sneer. Boys can help the Big Boots brigade stop the beast by sending out the large-scale Yeti Catcher. This two-in-one vehicle is perfect for tracking and capturing the elusive creatures.

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Includes two geared-up Big Boots figures
that always land on their feet.

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This two-in-one vehicle is perfect for tracking
and capturing elusive creatures.

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Catch the fierce Yeti figure with the net,
then cage and transport him.

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Features snow plow, oversized wheels, and large attack platform.

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Vehicle transforms from truck to assault mode
to capture the raging beast.

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Kids can create amazing stunts and invent
their own exciting stories.

The terrifying beast has been spotted. Transform the Yeti Catcher into assault mode to attack the creature. The set includes two Big Boots figures, but kids can add additional figures (sold separately) for a full-on strike. Launch Big Boots figures from the huge attack platform in three different ways. Send them flying from the top, side, and back of the vehicle. Launch one at a time or send them all simultaneously to overwhelm the Yeti. Once you’ve surprised and confused the Yeti, he’s much easier to capture — just snare him in the included net. Now transform the vehicle back into truck mode, so you can securely transport the creature and lock him away in the Big Boots Arctic Command Base (sold separately). The Arctic is safe again — until the Yeti finds a way to escape. Big Boots figures always land on their feet, so they’re ready for action as soon as they hit the ground. The Yeti Catcher comes with two dynamic Big Boots figures, but you can expand the battling fun by collecting additional Big Boots figures and vehicles (sold separately). It’s nonstop action in the frozen tundra.

  • Vehicle transforms from truck to assault mode to capture the raging beast
  • Snow plow, oversized wheels, and large attack platform
  • Two geared-up Big Boots figures that always land on their feet
  • Launch additional Big Boots figures (sold separately) from the vehicle in three different ways
  • Catch the fierce Yeti figure with the net, then cage and transport him
  • Kids can create amazing stunts and invent their own exciting stories

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