Price: $13.94 ( (as of 2013-12-04 05:48:03 PST) You save $0.01 (%)
(as of 2013-12-04 05:48:03 PST) |
Bachmann Trains Snap-Fit E-Z Track 9 inch Straight Track (4/card) by Bachmann Trains
DescriptionBachmann HO N/S EZ Track-9 in Straight (4) N/S EZ Track-9 in Straight Specifications: Bachmann Industries is proud to have changed the direction of model railroading with a product that makes getting started, and continuing, in railroading easy and fun. The exclusive E-Z Track is now the standard by which other track is compared. With snap-fit assembly and complete setup in just minutes, it is easy to see why E-Z Track is enjoying extraordinary success in the marketplace.
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