Price: $10.99 (as of 2013-12-04 06:06:55 PST) You save $5.30 (48%) |
Doramior® variety colors Face mask Neck warmer Head scarf Multifunctional outdoors scarf (G-style) by Doramior
DescriptionA multi-functional tubular headwear, ideal for many activities. Keeps you warm in the winter and cool in the summer. The lightweight, breathable, moisture wicking fabric is wind resistant and extremely comfortable to wear,It is used for a variety of purposes,Activities – biking, motor sports, snow boarding, ski, skate, marathon ETC… Various wear – hood, muffler, mask, balaclava, beanie, head band, hair band, wrist band, eye patch ETC… You can wear their own scarf in variety style.
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