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(as of 2013-12-04 06:11:26 PST)

Barbie Digital Dress Doll by Mattel

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Recommended Age
6 – 9 years

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  • Barbie has gone digital with a customizable LED dress that lights up
  • Girls can choose different design modes, from built-in graphics to customized designs to rhythmic motion
  • Cool translucent boots that light up too complete the cutting-edge look
  • Always staying on top of the coolest trends, Barbie debuts her idea of digital dress
  • The runway has never shined brighter with this one-of-a-kind LED dress


Barbie Debuts Her Dazzling Digital Dress!

The fashion world has gone digital. Always on top of the latest styles and techie trends, Barbie doll shows off her fabulous Digital Dress, which lets girls enjoy tons of interactive fashion fun. Customize Barbie doll’s light-up dress with three different modes, including designs that respond to music beats. Totally rockin’!

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Always on top of the latest styles and techie trends, Barbie doll shows off her fabulous Digital Dress, which lets girls enjoy tons of interactive fashion fun.

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With the swipe of a finger or the provided stylus, you can scroll through 15 preset animated designs in multiple colors.

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Use your finger or the stylus to create original multicolored graphics you can animate and save to the doll. Girls can save more than 40 custom designs.

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Patterns include the Barbie logo, hearts, chevrons, polka dots, plaid, checkers, fireworks, and stripes.

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Make Barbie doll’s dress come to life with Sound Mode. Choose a preset animation or your own design and then play an awesome tune to see the graphics move to the beat.

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Customize Barbie’s light-up dress with three different modes, including designs that respond to music beats.

With the swipe of a finger or the provided stylus, you can scroll through 15 preset animated designs in multiple colors. Patterns include the Barbie logo, hearts, chevrons, polka dots, plaid, checkers, fireworks, and stripes. Once you find your favorite, freeze the look on the front of Barbie doll’s dress.

Want to play fashion designer? Use your finger or the stylus to create original multicolored graphics you can animate and save to the doll. Girls can save more than 40 custom designs! Make Barbie doll’s dress come to life with Sound Mode. Choose a preset animation or your own design and then play an awesome tune to see the graphics move to the beat. They’ll even respond to your voice. Sound Mode is perfect for playing out Barbie doll as a popstar and wowing the crowd with her light-up looks. The story possibilities are endless. To expand the playtime for your digital diva, also check out Barbie Digital Makeover (sold separately). A girl can transform her iPad (not included) into a digital mirror by sliding it into the vanity frame. Then she can do virtual, makeup-free makeovers. These are the perfect gifts for every cool-and-connected techie girl.

  • Includes a touchscreen that creates a light-up dress with three different modes: Design, Animation, and Sound
  • Swipe to select preset animations and make instant fashion changes
  • Use your finger or the included stylus to draw unique designs you can save
  • Select Sound Mode to make graphics move to a song or your voice
  • Barbie doll wears a black-and-pink outfit with a heart necklace and shoes
  • Cool, innovative fashion play for every techie girl

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