Price: $19.99 (as of 2013-12-04 06:14:57 PST) |
The Art of CureTM *SAFETY KNOTTED* Honey – Certified Baltic Amber Baby Teething Necklace w/The Art of CureTM Jewelry Pouch (SHIPS AND SOLD IN USA) by The Art of Cure
DescriptionWHAT ALL THE MOMS ARE RAVING ABOUT!!! The Original Art of CureTM *SAFETY KNOTTED* Honey – Baltic Amber Baby Teething Necklace w/The Art of CureTM Jewelry Pouch (SHIPS AND SOLD IN USA) BALTIC AMBER TEETHING NECKLACE? Baltic amber necklaces are made for wearing (not chewing) when a baby is teething to reduce inflammation in the body. The warmth from the skin releases the active ingredient in the Baltic amber, succinic acid. Recent scientific research has proved that succinic acid has a very positive influence on the human body. It improves immunity and the balance of acids when absorbed into the bloodstream; it stimulates the thyroid glands to help reduce drooling when used for teething and soothes red inflamed cheeks. Amber's anti-inflammatory and therapeutic properties are recognized by allopathic medicine as a natural analgesic, which will help to relieve teething pain and calm a baby without resorting to drugs. The skin's warmth releases healing oils from the amber, a resin, which is absorbed into the bloodstream.
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